Inglewood Stadium

Inglewood Stadium, commercially known as Perth Plasterboard Centre Stadium and also known as Walter Road Reserve, is a rectangular ground located in the Perth suburb of Inglewood. Home of the Inglewood United Football Club since 1963, the venue has also previously hosted W-League and Y-League matches for the Perth Glory. It features a main grandstand with undercover seating for 800 spectators, a pavilion behind the goals, lights, and a capacity of 5536. As well as the main field, Walter Road Reserve features a further four football pitches used by the club's junior and senior teams who compete in Football West competitions.

The ground has had a host of names throughout its history. Originally known as Inglewood Oval in the 1960s/70s, it became the Kiev Sports Ground in the 1980s/90s. It was then commercially known as National Stadium (2002-2004), Clipsal Stadium (2007-2009), 6PR Stadium (2010-2012), Intiga Stadium (2013-2014), and Perth Plasterboard Centre Stadium (2017-2020). The only period when it didn't have a commercial name (2015-2016), it was officially known as Inglewood Stadium.

Inglewood Stadium Details

Corner Walter Road and Eighth Avenue, Inglewood GET DIRECTIONS
800 (14% of capacity)
Arena Roof
Video Screen
Former/Other Names
Walter Road Reserve
Kiev Sports Ground
National Stadium
Clipsal Stadium
6PR Stadium
Intiga Stadium
Perth Plasterboard Centre Stadium
Venue Type
Recreational Venue
Sports Played
Home Teams
Inglewood United FC  
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Information about Inglewood Stadium (Perth Plasterboard Centre Stadium) in Perth including venue layout, history, records, events, map, tickets, directions and accommodation.
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