
Optus Stadium does it again: 2022 Stadium Awards

Austadiums • Wednesday 18th January 2023
Optus Stadium voted Australia's best stadium in the 2022 Stadium Awards

Optus Stadium has been voted Australia’s best stadium for a third consecutive time in the 2022 Stadium Awards, with the MCG, Allianz Stadium and GMHBA Stadium category winners.

The popularity of the 60,000-capacity Perth Stadium remains as strong as ever, as it celebrates its five year milestone this week. Optus Stadium attracted 42% of the public vote held on Austadiums between December 30 and January 9.

The MCG was runner-up with 19% of votes, while Accor Stadium was third most popular. In all, 24 different Australian venues were voted on in the best stadium award.

This year, there were three categories which people could vote on: best cricket ground, rectangular stadium and regional stadium.


The Best Cricket Ground category was won by the Melbourne Cricket Ground as it was in 2021, accumulating 31% of the votes, ahead of Optus Stadium with 29% and Adelaide Oval 16%.

The new Allianz Stadium took out the Best Rectangular Stadium category, with 17% of the votes, just ahead of HBF Park (16%) and AAMI Park (15%).

Geelong’s GMHBA Stadium won the Best Regional Stadium category with 27% of votes, ahead of Queensland Country Bank Stadium on 24% and McDonald Jones Stadium 11%.

Stadium Awards

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Optus Stadium has been voted Australia’s best stadium for a third consecutive time in the 2022 Stadium Awards, with the MCG, Allianz Stadium and GMHBA Stadium category winners.
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