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Post by deejaybee »

gyfox wrote: It is interesting to see that most of the Asian players are better athletes than the A-League players. Throughout most games this year the Asians have been able to out jump the A-Leaguers when going for headers even though they are shorter. The tend to be faster than the A-Leaguers and have more skills. Is it just that our better players are overseas or that they have had their leagues running longer and therefore the players are more professional eg. fitter.
You are right. I would've thought that with so many sport around for kids in Australia, we would generally be more athletic than other teams.
Suppose it comes down to professionalism though, and we lack that in domestic Football.

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Post by hot_dogma »

gyfox wrote:I came from Sydney originally so I have a soft spot for them and I used to go to some of their games when I was visiting Sydney but I stopped attending after seeing a lone Victory supporter assaulted in the row just in front of me by about 40-50 Sydney supporters just because he got on his feet waving his scarf when Victory scored. They had two goes at him, before police relocated him for his safety,and they came from all over the tier to do it. Sickening behaviour.
Which game/season was this may I ask?

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