Royal Randwick Racecourse Redevelopment

The construction of the Royal Randwick spectator precinct by global and nationally renowned contractor Brookfield Multiplex commenced in December 2011. Newly designed facilities will increase the grandstand capacity to provide future growth opportunities for the Australian Turf Club and provide a flexible venue space that can be utilised for both racing and non-race day events.

A five level Grandstand and Theatre of the Horse will set new benchmarks for Australian racing and sporting complexes by utilising the design of one of Australia's pre-eminent architectural practices, Fitzpatrick + Partners for the base building and fit out by top of their field designers Woods Bagot.

Construction updates and photos will be posted fortnightly to keep you informed of the development including:
• Construction of a new stand plus basement
• Refurbishment of the QEII Stand
• Amphitheatre-style parade ring to establish the “Theatre of the Horse”
• Two storey Owners and Trainers building overlooking the “Theatre of the Horse”

See upcoming major Concerts...
View information for the redevelopment of Royal Randwick Racecourse Redevelopment.
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