- Bellerive Oval is on the opposite side of the river, currently approx 20k capacity, limited in expansion capability by the site, and by number of major events it can hold due to being in a residential area. It also has limited public transport capabilities
- Macquarie Point is a former industrial site on Hobart's waterfront, approx 8 ha, currently undergoing design for urban rejuvenation
- There have been proposals for both light rail and a ferry system discussed by government and councils for several years, both terminating near Macquarie Point.
- A government assembled AFL Taskforce has just published their Business Plan report for a Tasmanian AFL team. http://www.premier.tas.gov.au/documents ... smania.pdf . Among other things, it suggests a 30k capacity stadium at Macquarie Point, which will host half the games (the other half at York Park in Launceston).
- The Taskforce report included two concept designs for the stadium. The report notes that these designs are not part of the Taskforce's work, but were submitted to them independently.
- While tied to the AFL team, such a venue is proposed to be multi-purpose and host all field sports as well as other events such as concerts.
Here are summaries of the two designs.
"Tasmania Stadium" by Jaws Architects
I can't find any further information outside what is in the PDF linked above. It's a bit hard to Google, with a lot of results for "University of Tasmania Stadium". The renders include a number of other locations apart from Macquarie Point.
Some pics from the report shown below - low quality unfortunately.
Note the "shell" shape - certainly not going to be cheap to build! The open section is facing the city.

Shell design more visible, and a glass roof! Sensible idea in Tassie. I'm liking this design more and more

Note I am not an AFL fan, I'm a big supporter of an A-League team, and if you look closely here you'll see retractable seating marked - woohoo! Even the most ardent AFL fan should know that a stadium in Tassie needs to be as versatile as possible.

"TasPark" by Don Gallagher / IOA Studios.
This was the design which got a bit of media coverage in October last year. There is a website here: https://www.taspark.com.au/ as well as more detailed information in this PDF: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gK7Q-I ... 7rXWY/view
I think the design is great as it includes lots of green space, not just around the stadium but integrated into it, and there is also a hotel with suites around the top row of the stadium.
News articles:
https://www.ausleisure.com.au/news/conc ... franchise/
Some pics: