Cricket scandal of the century!!!

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Cricket scandal of the century!!!

Post by argee »

OK, the media in this country has officially gone psycho. It seems that a coach privately indicating to his team that he was extremely unhappy with their performance in a game is now considered to be the sports scandal of the summer. This is not a scandal. It happens every day of every week after a sporting contest when the coach tells his players what they did right and what they did wrong. I think its part of John Buchanan's job description being a coach and all. The way some newspapers are printing the story you'd think John Buchanan was worse than Hitler.
I want to know how private correspondence can be splashed in the public's view with the excuse that 'people have a right to know'. What? That stupid woman reporter from the Adelaide Advertiser is under the impression that she has a huge exclusive scoop when she is the one with egg on her face for violating the privacy of another human being. Thats actually against the law. Thats the real scandal here.
All I want to know is: Why is it a scandal for a coach (one whose role is always underrated by a Steve Waugh obsessed press: Waugh does not make all the decisions for the team but you'd never know it if you believed the media) to tell his team that they weren't up to scratch?

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Post by cam »

Maybe all this crap is due to the fact we actually loss a match!!! Yes you read right - Australia actually lost a test match in Aus! What the? :)

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Post by Jeffles »

Well the Century is only 3 yrs old :lol:

My girlfriend is Sri Lankan. She is over there right now. Today she met Marvan Attapattu and Sanath Jayasuria. Friends of her uncle. WTF. I told her to ask Marvan how he got the money he left in the hotel. That has the potential to be scandalous.

As for this incident, I agree with you Argee. A coach said something bad about the team after they lost. Big deal!!!

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Post by Egan »

I would have no problem with doing this. If nobody read the paper, it would stop the media harrassing Buchanan, but how would Buchanan get money with no media coverage. It works both ways and leaks will happen its human nature, and happens every day around the world, its no big catastrophe, she would feel very proud of herself, and im sure the paper sold more copies on that day then many other days so the bosses will be happy. the paper get advertisement nationwide. Good publicity over nothing. Well done to the journo, sets her career up perfectly due to one story, its a career and shouldn't be knocked for doing her job to the best of her ability and thats what she did. Even if it does annoy a few people.

Jayasuriya one of the GREAT one day batsman, although he didnt play too well when I watched him in Perth. Sri Lanka 1996 World Cup victors, seems like yesterday. I wonder what there reaction will be when she says her boyfriends an australian, where not there favourite cup of tea :P Just ask darryl Hair the australian umpire who is ABSOLUTLEY LOATHED IN SRI LANKA.

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